The Ultimate Nonprofit Brand Strategy Guide

A Step-by-Step Guide to Attract Supporters and Inspire Donations

When was the last time you asked yourself the question, “What makes our organization unique and fundable?”  

Many nonprofit leaders are on a constant quest to establish their organization’s unique identity:  an ownable story that resonates. But, many don’t know where to start. “How do I create a unique organizational strategy and identity?” they wonder. “Then, how can this strategy translate to clear and purposeful fundraising engagements?”

“The Brand Checklist and Action Plan for Nonprofits” is that comprehensive guide nonprofit leaders need to advance their organization’ brand identity and strategy. New supporters and donors are bound to follow. With this straightforward workbook, you will be able to: 

  • Establish or reaffirm your organization’s purpose
  • Communicate your organization’s value to target audiences (especially donors)
  • Express your organization’s identity creatively 
  • Align your organization’s case for support with your nonprofit strategy 

It’s time to develop a strong foundation that can tee up successful marketing and fundraising outcomes.

Let’s get started. 

Join other leaders and download the brand checklist and action plan to take your nonprofit to the next level.

Share your email with us for your free download to help reshape your nonprofit brand to inspire affinity and financial support. We promise not to fill your inbox with junk, but rather, only super helpful resources that we think you’ll enjoy — and we’ll do it sparingly.