What Katlyn’s been working on

Every project has lots of details that sometimes don’t get featured in our case studies, but they are still interesting and important parts in the process. Here are a few insights into Katlyn’s work.

This is an alternate cover concept for Graybar’s quarterly employee magazine, Outlook, that did not get selected. The cover story was about bringing sales techniques into the modern era, so I used an illustration from a 1950s Graybar sales training guide and put a Matrix-esque spin on the theme.

For the creation of the Kitchen Table brand, I hand-illustrated fruits and vegetables. I also illustrated a set of animals that didn’t make the final product but were still fun to draw.

For the 2019 issue of The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital’s yearly donor magazine, Honor Roll, I photographed and designed every spread. I love when I am able be both designer and photographer on a project.

This is an alternate illustration style for Waggin’ Train Chicken Jerky Treats that did not get selected, but I thought it was too fun and whimsical not to share.

Let’s connect

Even if you don’t have an immediate need for our agency, we live for making connections. It’s one of the reasons we love what we do. Then, if and when you do need something, we’ll already have broken the ice.