Health & Wellness
For decades, we have provided branding and marketing strategy expertise to the health and wellness industry, including one of the largest healthcare organizations in the nation.
Our expertise
We have honed our skills in making healthcare’s complex nature more accessible, helping people and communities better understand its role in their lives.
From healthcare branding and healthcare marketing strategy to hospital advertising and marketing campaigns, we help clients in the health and wellness sphere with comprehensive communications that speak to patients, doctors and other stakeholders.
See our healthcare branding work
PreventEd needed a campaign to reduce or prevent harm caused by the legalization of cannabis in Missouri. We created a campaign that positions them as the prevention thought-leader in a credible and timely way.

Magnetize helped Hoyleton reach people in need of mental health care during the height of the pandemic via a strong brand and digital presence.
Hoyleton Youth & Family Services

Barnes-Jewish College Goldfarb School of Nursing is nationally recognized as a leader in nursing education. Goldfarb magazine supports the school’s mission and vision by celebrating achievements, highlighting strategic imperatives and recognizing donors.
Goldfarb Magazine

Magnetize created a campaign that positioned Hoyleton as a desirable career choice for people looking to make an impact while working alongside like-minded colleagues.

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